Hello, world!
I know, I may still be young, but it is never too early to start keeping your skin in great shape for the later years! Lately, I've had some sleepless nights, and in the morning my eyes feel dry, soar, and the skin around them is looking drab and dull. Luckily, I turned to overnight eye cream, which  not only helps keep eyes looking refreshed and moisturized, but all the skin around your eyes can start to feel tighter, brighter, and healthier after just a few uses. This recipe allows any essential oil for the scent, but I used, and recommend, using eucalyptus essential oil. The eucalyptus makes this similar to Vick's VapoRub,  because the heavy scent can't help but make your lids start to droop. Enjoy, stay fresh, send comments! I love hearing how this works for other people.
Source: onegoodthingbyjillee.com (I adore this blog, she has amazing tips and recipes! Check it out!)

Step 1:

In a microwaveable measuring cup or bowl, melt 3/4 cup coconut oil for 20 to 30 seconds. Pour the oil into an empty glass jar or container. Pour in 3 tsp vitamin E oil, or if you have only the capsules, 6 capsules. Now, stir in 30 drops of any essential oil you have. Put top on to the jar.

Step 2:
Leave the jar in the fridge for about an hour, so that it is firm but still has a slight enough amount of oil to be lotioney. When you go to bed, apply the cream to your eyelids, (not eyes or inner lids/waterline!) under your eyes, and up to your crease. Enjoy!

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    I'm The Pampered Prep, and this blog is dedicated to sharing easy, reliable at home beauty for the girl on the go.